프로젝트002 →
no-ru-jahm ✼ 노루잠
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undergraduate thesis project
노루잠 “no-ru-jahm”
trans. a dreamless sleep
Primogeniture is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as, “an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son.” It is still regularly practiced in South Korea.
This collection of works revolves around my grandmother’s beautifully hand-carved, mother-of-pearl inlaid bedroom furniture set. I have been in love with it since I was a child, but now it exists as a painful reminder of my gender and its perceived limitations.
Designed, produced, and installed 5 ft x 20 ft wallpaper
- A collage of personal photographs reconfigured using content-aware fill tool
- 11 in x 17 in
- Illustrated on Procreate
- Figures printed using 4 layer risograph printing
- Background printed using silkscreen printing with silver metallic foil overlay
- Edition of 3
- 160 pages, hardcover, coptic bound
5.5 in x 8.5 in, linen paper
Handmade hard covers wrapped in cotton paper, metallic foil overlay silkscreen
100 risographed pages, 16 silkscreened pages, 44 laser printed pages
Edition of 8
Works sold to private collectors after exhibition